Friday, April 22, 2016

Tech Lightning iReader

   I was intrigued when I saw this card reader, something that I can use to transfer data from my Windows PC to my Nexus 7 or to my iPod Touch 5? Yes I know what you are thinking "Why not just use iCloud or some other cloud service?", it is true that you can use some cloud service to transfer data to other devices but sometimes using a device like the Tech Lightning iReader is much simpler and easier to use, not too mention if you do not have access to the internet a device like this is would be perfect to use. When it finally arrived I noticed that the box has instructions on the back(see picture) to download the app from the App store. The App is called iDiskk Pro and is only 18MB.
  There is a total of three connection plugs, a lightning connector, a full size USB connector and inside the USB connector is the Micro USB connector which slides in and out. The reader did not have any directions on how to slide the micro USB connector in and out, you need to use your finger nail to slide it out, when you do you will hear a click, that means it is fully extended and locked into place, to slide it back in you will see a small blue square push that in and then slide the micro USB back into the full sized USB connector(see pictures). I used my Windows laptop, Nexus 7 and my iPod Touch 5. along with SanDisk Class 10 SD and Micro SD cards to test this device. I transferred pictures, videos and Mp3's to each device without any problems and the transfer was fast.
   The Nexus 7 and laptop easily recognized the reader and had no problems transferring data, with the iPod(or any IOS device) you will have to get the app in order for the reader to function. The App was a pleasure to use on my iPod, as soon as I plugged the reader in a notice popped up prompting me to use the app. In the App everything is presented quite nicely, you can have a list type or grid style display. You can sort the information, search for data or even make a new folder within the app. I did not find any instructions on how to use the app fully but within a few minutes I was able to figure out all of the functions. The Tech Lightning iReader accepts Micro SD cards and full size SD cards, great if you take a lot of pictures and want to transfer then from your camera(DSLR, MFT, Point and shoot etc.) to multiple devices. The device is cased in plastic and feels pretty sturdy, no squeaks or bends just a nice solid feel. I found that the clear plastic caps where a nice touch to protect the connectors, the card slots are a slide in pull out type, no spring loaded slots.
   Over all I do like the Tech Lightning iReader, the device is solid, transfers data quickly and is very easy to use. Even viewing a video from a SD Card was a pleasure, no stutter or lag, just a smooth viewing experience. This is a device that everyone should have especially if you have different devices that run different operating systems. I like the fact that I do not have to rely on a cloud service to transfer any of my data from one device to another and the iReader performs this task perfectly. There is only one thing that can improve on the experience and operation of the iReader is that Tech Lightning needs to put an instruction pamphlet in the box mainly to let the user know how to use the Micro USB connector properly, other than that I it was a total joy to use this device. I would definitely recommend the Tech Lightning iReader to anyone.


  1. A great read buddy. Not sure ode use one enough to make it worth my while but on the other hand im finding iCloud photo transfer to be a royal pain right now and find myself messaging images to myself that I need quickly.

    1. Yeah I had a few problems with iCloud and one drive, I resorted to e-mailing as well and that takes way too much time, this device works quite well I like it.
