Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mpow Grip Magic universal air vent car mount

  The Mpow Grip Magic is a small mount that works surprisingly well. It is about 3 inches long and contains a pretty strong magnet. In the box you get the mount, two metal plates and a case for the iPhone6/6s. The metal plates have 3M tape on them so you can adhere them to your device, one large plate(2.5 inch by 1 3/4 inch) and one small plate(1 1/2 by 1 1/4), the case for the iPhone 6/6s has a built in plate. The mount itself is made from a high grade plastic and rubber. The prongs that attach to the air vent fins are rubber and the pad over the magnet is made of rubber. The whole mount is well made and solid it will not fall apart.
  The ball joint is easy to use, just un screw the nut rotate your device to the way you like it and tighten the nut down, now you are ready to go. Personally I leave mine loosened just enough to angle my phone just in case I need to. The prongs have two sizes, one for thinner fins and one for thicker finned vents, so make sure you get the right size. Make sure your vent fins are pointed straight, towards the back of your vehicle, slowly push the mount onto the fins and that is it you are done. I have to admit that I did adhere the plates to my devices, I found that after I removed the back of my Lumia 640, placed the plate in and then replaced the back cover the plate did not move, it was a tight fit so no need for the tape provided. On my iPod Touch I found the same thing, I took the gel case off placed the small metal plate in and replaced the case and it was tight enough to hold the metal plate in place.
  The MPow Grip Magic help each device tight, I went over pot holes, speed bumps, and a curb(that one was by accident) and the magnet held each device with no slippage, they refused to move or fall. There will be a small amount of vibration that is due to the vent fins and not the mount itself. If you use a case for your device, depending on the thickness of it you may not get a strong connection and your device may slip or fall. Also I would like to mention if your device is over 7 ounces the grip my not be ideal. The other point I would like to mention is your vents. If they are really thin or loose(test them before buying this mount some vents can pop out easily) then you may want to look for another mount. Using this mount will also have an effect of the air flow or either heat or A/C, I would not recommend using this mount with your heater on, that may over heat your device. If you need a mounting option other than the dash or windshield I would recommend this mount.

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