Thursday, March 3, 2016

MPow Seals wireless earphones

 I was excited to receive these because I have been looking for a good pair of wireless earphones. Each ear phone is labeled either L for left or R for right, well for my ears I had to do the opposite, L in my right ear and R in my left, I am sure that it is just my ears and not a design flaw. Pairing was really easy, hold the power button until the LED flashes red and blue, then click on MPow Seals on your device. The audio is impressive, highs are very clear, mid tones are well rounded and stand out cleanly, I found that the bass was a little bit too bassy, BUT it was not muddy or muffled, honestly if your device has an EQ setting just take out some of the low end.
Like any and all ear phones what device you use will play a factor in how well they perform, I tested these on three devices, my Nexus 7(2013), my Nokia Lumia 520 and my iPod Touch 5th gen. Every device gave similar performance with subtle differences, such as volume, the iPod had the lowest volume, tonal qualities, by far my Nokia had better tonal control(EQ) then the other devices. Battery life on the MPow Seals is pretty close to their claim. I got 6 hours on my first use then after charging the second time I was getting 6.5 hours of playback, of course playback time does determine how loud you have the ear phones turned up and how far away you are from your device.
I did find that the cable between the ear phones is just a bit short, I would liked to have another 2-3 inches more, yep I have a big head, also the controller, in my opinion should have been right in the middle, since it is closer to one side I found that the weight of it kept pulling the ear phone out, that was a little annoying. Having the charging port in the controller is nice but contributes to the ear phone falling out. In closing I would say that the actual performance of the MPow Seals is impressive, I think the sound they produce is fantastic, battery life is awesome and the design is quite pleasing. Make the cable a bit longer, place the charging port on one of the ear phones and place the controller in the center and this will be a awesome set of earphones.

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